2019 CREED. we will-
1. Not feel so bad about disappointing other people’s expectations of us. You can’t please everyone all of the time.
2. Not feel so bad about not having the ability to provide for all the needs people have around our lives. Only God is able.
3. Not feel so bad about not being consistently on our game throughout every moment of the year. No one gets PB every week.
4. Not feel so bad about people who choose a different path to the one that we believe is best for them. We will not control.
5. Not feel so bad about our circumstances knowing that they provides the right launchpad for every miracles and wonders that will soon take place.
6. Not feel so bad about our age knowing that there’s no better age to see all of God’s plans erupt in front of us.
7. Not feel so bad about being ignored by some people realising that we’re not as important as we think we are.
8. Not feel so bad about having lost stuff along the way knowing that God didn’t expect us to keep everything but to grow from everything.
9. Not feel so bad about our lack of balance knowing that if we stay open to good advice we’ll do brilliantly.
10. Not feel so bad about getting on with what we think is right without fully checking out what everyone else is up to.