MINDMAP- Change your mind, change your world!
Inside every Person’s Mind are Fields of Dreams, Floods of Emotion, Trains of Thought and Cities of Habit. The Skyline of your Mind will determine the Skyline of your Future.
Romans 12:2 tells us to ‘be transformed by a renewing of the mind’ so that we can test drive the ‘Maserati’ of God’s ‘good, pleasing and perfect will’.
Why? Because unless your thinking is changed, so many breakthroughs either never eventuate, or if they do, they become reversible!
The 8 part Video Series found on SERMONZAR on YOUTUBE teaching you (or your small group) how to begin the change and experience the full measure of God’s Will for your life.
You can order the Mindmap Tourist Handbook and the A1 MAP ( $29 AUD or equivalent plus P&P) of the Christian’s Mind through this site by placing an order through davegilpin@me.com