Stockholm Syndrome
Let’s not become enamoured with what’s keeping us from moving boldly into all God has for us. Fear. Resignation. Settling for smallness. Retraction. These things...
Take it to the Limit
(One More Time) No one knows their limits because what was your limit yesterday is no longer your limit today! You’ve grown and your limits...
Are We There Yet?
In our changing world, it is so easy to have a fluctuating faith! We’re all-in one moment, and completely doubting the next. But how can...
Step Maker
A lot of us think that there’s a giant leap of faith that we have to undertake in order to follow God through the wilderness...
Shock Proof
There is a birthing in this time and in this season that will be unprecedented. A birthing of men and women with a different spirit....
Rage Against Beige
Pastor Dave Gilpin has a theory that many believers were more ‘exciting’ before they believed than after they believed! Before they were rescued by Christ,...
Living on the Fault Line
THE BIG ONE IS COMING. Victory doesn’t come from misinterpreting your season. The discomfort you are living in, is leading you to lean in to your limitations. An...
Going Back is Not Going Backwards
Sometimes you’ve got to go back in order to go forwards. Yet we are all a little scared of going back for fear of going...
What to Do After the Storms are Gone. The place where you live and breathe is too small for you. It fitted yesterday, but it...