Old Wisdom vs New Wisdom
When you come into leadership, there is plenty of wisdom available though not always necessarily true. Dave Gilpin looks at some commonly known nuggets of wisdom and gets the real truth out of them.
Whatever You Do… Don’t Pass On The Baton
I hate it when people start talking about ‘passing on the baton’ to the next generation! I’m not doing it. It’s not that I don’t love ‘em and it’s not that I’m insecure, but I’m simply not going there. The only place I can see that happening in scripture is when someone’s about to die! I’m not planning on it so I’m not performing the ultimate plan for it.
Reinventing Church For The 21st Century
What does the church in the 21st century look like? Many are looking for the answer and searching to re-invent church to make it both potent and relevant to our world.
Don’t Give An Order, Create A Culture
In America, if you want a sure fire way of winning on the stock market, stay at home and watch golf on the TV. The analysts have figured out that every time Tiger Woods plays in his home country, share prices soar the following day.
Let Me Entertain You
Entertainment has always been associated with either the superficial side of Christian living or the downright worldly side but it is never officially associated with serious Christian living. We all crave entertainment, but, alongside charisma, money and creativity, it’s been sabotaged by the spirit of religion and made to pay a debt it did not owe.
Bring Back Personality Driven Churches
Learn how to master the art of Culture Creation for growth in your church. After almost 20 years in full time ministry, Dave Gilpin gets angry at the colour that dominates the Christian sky-line…’beige’.
The Reinvention Of Vision
If someone asked you what the vision of your church is, would you reply with goals and statistics, or with the type of person you’re looking to see emerge? Dave Gilpin investigates the pressures leaders are under to fabricate vision in order to fulfil the profile of a ‘visionary’ leader.
Removing Your Youth Annex
Most people get saved or get serious between the ages of 15 and 25. Every church that has a genuine desire for growth, ought to fully resource that area of church life.
Let Your Eyes Be Bigger Than Your Stomach
“Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” They ought to be! Your ability to see your future should be greater than your ability to accomplish it. Dave Gilpin takes some hear’ say phrases and looks at the leadership truths behind them.
Top 10 Promises For Exhausted Leaders
Exhausted that’s good! Exhaustion has appeared on the stage of ministry as an unwelcome intruder. To be worn out, whacked out, worked up and wrung out seems to be bad news. Or is it?
Lost Your Sense Of Humour?
Most preachers are too intense for the 21st century. Don’t get me wrong. They’re good – very good – but stodgy, oh so stodgy! Dave Gilpin looks at how to bring out the funny side of your leadership.
From Ground Zero To Lift Off
Dave Gilpin’s real life diary charts the course that took Hope City Church, still reeling from a conflict that saw many people leave and their nearby satellite Church part company, into a new season of amazing growth and vitality.