The Bench – my greatest mistake in ministry was to remove it

Traditionally if you want to mobilise the church, you encourage people to get off the stands and get onto the field – to stop being spectators and start becoming participants of the greatest game in history – the rise of God’s Church in the 21st Century.
Yet, there’s a little place that’s rarely talked about, rarely noticed and rarely appreciated by either players or spectators – it’s called THE BENCH.

Why Sound Guys Backslide

There is a well known, but little spoken of, fact in Church life that sound guys often turn bitter. They may not backslide, but they go bitter and often get resentful, and end up leaving the sound team with more than one chip on their black-tee-shirt-clad shoulder. It’s one of those things that happens on a pretty regular basis in many churches across the country and something we at Hope City Church are on the way to solving. website is LIVE! It is full of videos, ebooks, resources, Mindmap Tasters, The Mind Map Diaries, articles, podcasts and plenty more! Experiencing the full panorama of God’s ‘good, pleasing and perfect will’ requires not only faith to believe, but a change in the thinking process. The Mindmap Series has been developed to explain the process of the ‘renewing of the mind’ and to give people the tools to help them change the skyline of their thoughts and habits so as to experience more of God’s plans and purposes for their lives.

Rage Against Beige E-book

Rage Against Beige is a collection of well known poems, songs, sayings and quotes which have been slightly altered to aide Dave Gilpin to voice his displeasure for the colour beige! The book was bought by the Ikea British head office in 2007 for a marketing campaign. It’s a bit of fun but should provoke readers to make sure that they are adding splashes of colour to all they do.

Tube Map of the Soul

Welcome to Dave Gilpin’s Tube Map of the Soul. Between the Mind and the Heart lies the Soul – a mass of emotion created by both the decisions and imprints of our past, as well as our unique ‘personality led’ way of seeing the world around us. As emotions are stirred, they trigger other emotions that often form long emotional trains within the Soul.